29 Oluwatosin Idris street, Parafa Lucky Fibre Ikorodu Lagos.

Automated fuel management system

This automation solution provides simple fuel station automation system which allows the customer to refuel a car for cash or card payment. The refuel order is being entered from the terminal screen of the payment terminal with PTS-PAY app software by a fuel station attendant or customer self in metric volume or money-value volume. When the fuel attendant is present, we can employ RFID cards in order to confirm his/her identity before entering an order and starting despersing. Terminals can be installed directly on dispensers or to a separate self-service terminal within the territory of the fuel station. Using the terminals with the PTS-PAY app software allows controlling the work of fuel station staff using RFID technology.

The PTS-2 controller provides control of fuel dispensers, fuel level probes, price boards, and also provides uploading sales and diagnostic information to PTS Monitor server. Thus, complete petrol station management system includes reporting, monitoring, analytical and diagnostic data. The Monitor server software is designed for collecting reporting and real-time data from the petrol stations using the PTS-2 forecourt controllers and other necessary information about the operation of the forecourt equipment of the gas station network, where the PTS-2 forecourt controllers are used for control over forecourt equipment (fuel dispensers, level gauges, price displays, etc.).

The server provides:

Collection of reporting data on completed pump sales, tank measurements, in-tank deliveries, registered alerts and GPS records for each petrol stations with formation of the reports and charts
Collection of information on technical diagnostics of forecourt equipment operation (fuel dispensers, level gauges, price displays, RFID readers, PTS-2 controllers, etc.) from each filling station and immediately informing the user about any faults to provide minimal downtime
Generates daily inventory reports according to tank calibration tables, this allows the user to control cases of possible theft of fuel by the service personnel of the gas station
Allows remote update of configuration in the PTS-2 controllers
The server is hosted in the cloud. In order to employ this system to a fuel station it will require to equip each station with the PTS-2 controller (one per 25 two-sided pumps), fuel level probes (one per fuel storage tank), PTS-PAY app software (one per dispenser or one per station when works stand alone), annual subscription to the PTS-Monitoring server (charged per station annually). Additionally, Android based payment terminal devices must be purchased locally.

It will require the integrate PTS-PAY app software with domestic payment system. It will be necessary to provide us the API of the payment system for integration.

Fuel Station Tank Monitoring

Do you have a fueling station and you are concerned about losing lot of cash to unfaithful workers who siphon your money into their pockets by stealing your fuel sales money. JohnluckAutomation can assist you with a lasting solution. You can always monitor the level in your underground tanks from anywhere in the world. With our tank monitoring system, you can generate reports per shift or per day to reconcile the sales per shift or per day with the actual amount of fuel that left the tank and the amount deliver by your staffs. With this you can checkmate the act of stealing your money after sales.
The tank can be monitor from anywhere in the world from your mobile devices and a report can be generated at all time from anywhere. The tank monitoring system gives accurate reading at all time.


Do you have fuel tankers that take fuel from Depot to various destinations and you are always worried about the whereabouts of the truck and missing fuel in transit all the time.
JohnluckAutomation can assist you with a tanker monitoring system whereby you will always know the position of the tank at all time, you also be the only person that can unlock the tanker remotely for fueling and discharging. You will have to unlock the inlet lock remotely from anywhere in the world when the tanker get to depot and get a confirmation that the inlet and outlet locks were locked before leaving the depot. When the tanker get to the destination, you will also be the one to unlock the outlet locks for discharge of fuel.
No more room for fuel loss in transmit with this system.

Tanker Monitoring System.

Johnluck GPS E-Lock is an intelligent e-lock embedded with GPS tracker,

Main Features:
portable, reusable, robust physical lock with built-in sensors to provide real time
monitoring of secured cargo both in transit and in stationary.

☺ Standalone lock with Live
JT701D can work as a master E-lock, to couple with 16 units JT709 Bluetooth slave GPS tracking;
E-locks via Lora to monitor all the hatches and valves at the same time.

☺ Adjustable metal string
Information about the location, condition of tankers is presented in real time, with flexible lock method;
for all the users or interested parties to monitor and manage conveniently.

☺ Remote unlock by mobile APP,
The locking function brings maximum control of the cargo, and can only SMS, Software;
be unlocked by authorized person or in specific Geofence area, ensures goods
supervision and fast dispatch;

☺ On site unlock by authorized RFID;
Event alert will be triggered to notify the users in real time at any unexpected

☺ Door/hatch/valve status monitoring;
occasions or deviation from predefined setting, allow them to take swift
action before the cargo get damaged or loss.(eg. Lock cable cut alert,

☺ Real time tampering alert;
late arrival alert, road deviation alert, etc.)

☺ IP67 waterproof grade;
Historical data with report can be traced at any time for incidence analysis
and management optimization.

☺ Easy to install with magnet;

☺ Rechargeable big battery
17 days life at 1-minute report